Pascal on Co-Active: "The Co-Active training positively changed how I work with my team."

Pascal is an International CFO and Executive Coach & Team Coach. Co-Active changed the way he connects and interacts with his team. Watch the video to see what Pascal has to say about how the Co-Active model helps to understand your own values. Plus hear what Pascal shared about the added value of the network and the ICF Accreditation.

Pascal on Co-Active: "The Co-Active training positively changed how I work with my team."
Case details

Pascal is an International CFO and Executive Coach & Team Coach. Co-Active changed the way he connects and interacts with his team. Watch the video to see what Pascal has to say about how the Co-Active model helps to understand your own values. Plus hear what Pascal shared about the added value of the network and the ICF Accreditation.

Read the interview with Pascal Maygnan

“I’m Pascal, I’m a French citizen living in Germany, with a lot of international experience for about the past 25 years. I’m currently an International CFO for an American company. I also combine that with being a coach. Coaching private people and also coaching with companies.

My passion for leadership also led me to start a leadership group coaching program. So basically inviting people to join me for a 10 week long program, where we cover all the skills that you need to have to develop as a successful leader.”

How do you apply Co-Active in your daily life?

“In my professional life, I think the best leverage I have of the Co-Active Coach training is applying it with my team. I’m really trying to use everything I learned during the coach training in how I work with my team, how I talk to them, how I interact with them, in terms of asking questions and listening etc.

I found also recently that I use those skills quite a lot with my son actually. When he has some tension kind of moments, I am trying to softening him through some questions etc. Obviously he does not know that I try to coach him. But it does help calming him down, having him think about things. I think I used it quite a lot all this learning.”

What within this training made the biggest impact?

“It was the realization of understanding your values and your leader within and connecting that with what matters to you, how it helps you to make better choices in life and at work. That was a great learning for me. Also related to my work, is what I learned from the training is to be more silent, to talk less. And reframe from always wanting to give and find solutions for people.”

Which part of the training appealed to you the most?

“I did like the Process module, because that is really where I could connect some of the dots to allow people vent a little bit and to show emotions was really a strong connector in discussing with that person and to help them to take decisions.

I really liked the demo coaching that we did during the courses. Constant interactions, and with the coaching in triads, and to be able to try what we just learned. That was really a piece I loved.”

Would you recommend this training?

“Absolutely. Any leader in a company who wants to develop a team should consider such a training. It brings a lot of new skills and new perspectives on how you can manage teams.”

What do you see as the added value of the ICF accreditation of this training?

“The ICF accreditation was a good guarantee that the training would be really serious. When I talk to companies about coaching, one of the first things they ask me is: “Are you a certified Coach?” Most people, at least in Europe, know the ICF and that’s a good accreditation to have.“

What it the added value of the network for you?

“One thing I will mention is also the incredible network of people you meet during the training and keep in touch with. I think of my group that I met during my training program in Munich, I speak to at least 10-12 people regularly. I do some of my projects with them, for example the Leadership program. We are in constant conversation about other topics related to coaching. It is great asset of Co-Active that you get access to the network of people who do different things. Some are fulltime coaches and others do coaching on the side.”

Pascal Maygnan

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